Technical Mortars

Transcol Masonry MT M5
Hydrophobic dry general-purpose masonry mortar designed for common masonry tasks such as wall leveling, brick/block joints, or similar applications.

Transcol Masonry MT M10
Hydrophobic dry general-purpose masonry mortar designed for laying all types of ceramic bricks, exposed bricks, and cement blocks. Ideal for wall leveling, brick/block joints, and other similar masonry tasks.

Transcol Screed
Technical filling and leveling mortar for floors, providing a base for the subsequent application of ceramic tiles, wood, or cork.

Transcol Parget
Technical mortar used for rough-coating interior and exterior walls and ceilings, leaving a porous surface to enhance adhesion for finishing mortars.

Transcol Refractory
Refractory technical mortar resistant to high temperatures. Suitable for sealing joints, securing refractory bricks or elements, and masonry exposed to water containing acids or sulfates.

Transcol Grout
Technical mortar with high mechanical strength and excellent adhesion to concrete. Suitable for restoring the structural integrity of reinforced concrete, filling voids, leveling concrete or mortar surfaces, and sealing joints in prefabricated elements.

Transcol N-Level
Self-leveling technical mortar used for interior floor leveling, filling, and surface leveling of concrete and mortar where a thin layer is required.

Transcol Fixrapid
Fast-setting technical mortar for quick repairs and installations. Suitable for fixing metal elements (brackets, hinges), pipes, or electrical boxes.